Monday, July 16, 2012

Boy, Oh Boy

Osha without hair 

Jumpy Shay

 Jumpy Soren 


Just kidding about the hair

Sara and Shay riding the big red thing

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day out

Old high chair at their first donut shop.

Shay's first climb in BK. he was as high as my head in this picture.

Soren yawning.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sweet guys

Smiling And smooching.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

 At story time.
 Standing on his own.

My phone, may it rest in peace, drown.  
For the next couple of weeks pictures will be less frequent.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Big boys

Soren propped up in the high chair.

The boys out walking in the cool of the evening (cool enough to breathe!)

Shay checking out the babies in the mirror

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Osha explaining alpha particles.

Soren learning about them.

Ari's new haircut.

She's might strong.

Shay making naan.

Taste test.

Happy Soren.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Science museum

We had a lovely day at the science museum.


Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Sara's hair is long enough to braid.

Shay helped himself to some cookie dough.

Soren kept cool in a diaper kilt.

Story time.

Monday, July 02, 2012


Power is nice. We got power back after 3 full days without. We lost most of the freezer and all of the fridge, but good times were had by all.

Soren slept under a basket for nap time one day to prevent full contact hugs.

Ari and Osha racing through the rain after the storm (which knocked down many branches and blew over porta-potties and sheds).

At the train station.

Soren keeping an eye out ( and keeping warm) in the sling. It went from very hot to very cool quickly.

Ice cream for breakfast.

Clean diapers.

Horses came to town for the parade, but the parade was cancelled.

Shay wore the same dry diaper for 24 hours. He did his part to save me laundry. To celebrate the power coming back, he made a mess worthy of a shower.